Sunday, May 30, 2021

Ryhl In Wales Holidays Wales

 When I was a child my whole family would go to Ryhl in Wales on holiday Whitsun weekends with my brother and sister, Parents and Grandparents.

We stayed in self catering rooms at the Prestatyn end of the town. The beach was always crowded as most everybody went to seaside towns across the UK not over to the mediterranian in those days.

There was an old arcade where we used to have a full three course meal for six shillings and a social club where there was bingo and a singer.

As a kid I hated it as we just had to sit there for hours while the oldies had fun and enjoyed themselves.

3 years ago my husband and I and 2 children went for a weekend and even the kids enjoyed it, it has changed but the beach is quieter the facilities and entertainment are better and we have been back each year since.

Memory Posted By: Dawn  

Strange But Trus Pope Pius X11 Malta

 In 1958 while only 8 years old and living with a Maltese family in Mosta Pope Pius XII died , like all Maltese people the family I was with were very staunch catholics and in the front room in pride of place was a photograph of the pope. On the morning he died I as I was going out their son called me in to the front room and showed me the photograph of the Pope which had gone a strange purple colour, to this day I can not think of an explanation.

Memory Posted By: graham

Buying our first home U.S.A.

 My husband and I bought our first house in the mid-1950s. Actually, we bought our first AND second house during the same year. It was 1956 and we had just moved to Michigan from Missouri with our three children. The automobile industry was taking off (no pun intended) during that decade and there were a lot of southerners moving up into Michigan to get an envied job with General Motors. Back then, a job at General Motors meant that you were set for life. They offered great wages, benefits, and everything that a person needs to run a family. Those were the days.<

But our first home was on the east side of Flint, which is about one hour north of Detroit. It was a new neighborhood that was sprouting up and new homes were going up all over the place around us. The house we bought was more of a temporary home. We actually had our eyes set on the one being built across the street. It was larger and it had a basement.

We moved into the first home in 1955. It was there before the neighborhood really sprouted, so it was more rundown and it was older than rest of the homes. As soon as the one across the street was built, though, we sold that one and moved into the new one. We had a family to think about and the new home had several bedrooms that we would be able to utilize. A year after we moved to Flint, the new home was completed and we moved in. Unfortunately, my brother-in-law lost his job and we offered to let him and his family stay with us until he got on his feet. He had seven kids. Even though our home was spacious, most of that family ended up sleeping on the floor and stepping over each other in the middle of the night. That lasted for a few months, but it was a great way to break in our new place. Now, 50 years later, I am still in this home that has come to be an important part of our family.

Memory Posted By: anon

Boomer memories from the 50s U.S.A.

gunsmoke, rifleman, rin-tin-tin

saturday shopping at the new mall,

sunday mass and big noon dinner.

going to the movies eating juju beads, big charm sucker.

roller skates you put on your shoes with a key that hung around your neck.

ghost stories, swimming in the summer, red light green light at nite.

coming home when the street lights came on.

learning to drive stick shift.

brush rollers ratting your hair sprying with adorn hairspry,

ambush perfume canoe for men aftershave.

sweater clips mohair sweaters with matching skrits.

smoking was not evil.

Memory Posted By: Boomer

Grandmothers 50s Clothes Back in Style

 I still dont why all these things that my grandma use to wear or use are coming back in style. but you know i like it. 

Memory Posted By:  Jennifer  

Corner Drugstore in the 50s U.S.A.

 I remember the corner drugstore where you could get a chocolate Coke for a nickel. And a Malt for 20 cents. And get to sit next that pretty girl from Algebra class, at least for a while

Memory Posted By:  Catmoves  

Changes in Where We Live UK

Of the many changes I have seen in my life the biggest are those where the places I grew up as a child have changed

I grew up in a small village on the South Coast of England called Portchester and the two towns either side of us were Fareham and Cosham

I used to cycle from Portchester to Fareham and nearly all the road had farms on one side of the road this was in total about 12 miles , when I visited back many years later there was not one bit of empty space , every part of both sides of the road were filled with houses , It makes you wonder where does Portchester end and Fareham begin.

This was not really a local problem as now on that part of the South Coast every city is joined to every other city by rows and rows of houses. They Should Just Change The Name of the south coast to SOLENT CITY

This is not even just a UK problem although I think it may be slightly worse

When I first came to Lovely Elkhorn in Wisconsin the main route between Elkhorn and Chicago still had many green fields for farming and each time we take the trip to Chicago there is less and less greenery and more and more houses to be seen

I would be interested to here other peoples memories of how where they live has changed

Memory Posted By: webmaster

Boomer growing up in the 1950s UK

  My Memories from the 50's

I was born in 1950 , and grew up with a dad in the Royal Navy and my mum didn't work , fairly typical as most of my mums friends didn't work.

By to days standards we would be considered poor some foods including sugar and eggs were still on rationing and most dinners were based around beef mince, and up till I was 8 we lived in Navy married quarters . 

The shops were very different to today most housing estates would have a local butcher, a greengrocer, a sweet shop, A hardware shop, a newsagent and general store.

Things like TV were just starting to appear but it was quite a while before my parents could afford one so I went to friends houses who had a TV to watch, more often than not all that was on was the test pattern.

My mum's contribution to family income like many other thousands of others was selling Avon as an Avon Lady, 

Toys were fairly basic and as kids some of the games we played included Uckers ( navy name for Ludo ), Snakes and ladders, Patience, Gin Rummy and other card games or board games, any bike I had as a kid was second hand which my dad would fix up and would be my Xmas present.

Many may be surprised to hear that Christmas was very different in those days to today , things like oranges and nuts were considered a luxury due to the cost and not being readily available and were a major part of my Christmas presents in my stocking

Food consisted of anything made of mince and any vegetables that were in season, no such thing as frozen foods or fast foods available in those days.

The other memory that I recall is when we would take a trip to visit relatives ( Aunts, Uncles Grandparents )etc. who lived 120 miles away my dad would do a full service on the car including oil water and would carry A large toolbox in case of breakdowns , and so that the car didn't overheat we would stop half way to give the car a chance to cool down.

Like most families we were a one car family and my mum didn't drive so any time we went to the nearest town it was on the local bus or walk or cycle

I suppose the other major difference was the amount of discipline parents exerted over children if I did anything wrong my mum would send me to my room and if I did anything really bad my dad would wallop me with a slipper , rules in our house were to be obeyed at all times.

I thought I would just mention one other thing that strikes me from my memories and how unusual it would be by today's standards , my dad was a Radio Operator in the Navy and during the nuclear testing done on the Christmas Islands him and many other ordinary sailors were put "on a safe place on the island" to describe the nuclear explosion to officers many miles away in safety on the ship. And when the sailors came back and were all discovered to have a form of radiation poisoning the navy were surprised.

Well I hope you enjoyed my memories af my life from 1950 - 1959 if I get time I will write something about 

my time in the 60's 

Memory Posted By:    Baby Boomer   

Life Was Easy in the 50's U.S.A.

  Stationed at Mcgiure AFB in the 50's and hitchhiking home on week ends thru thre Poconos just to ride my 50buick at home with my girl then back to the base again life was so easy then. 

Memory Posted By:     ray c 

A sinking LST North Korea 1950s Korea

  The ship had been abandoned and nothing working. Man there was one hell of a lot of noise as things were banging around and the crunch/grinding of the metal bottom being torn away on the reef. We started to actually walk down into raw gas. I told Shorty there was no way we could start an engine in these gas fumes without blowing all to hell. It was one of those really eerie situations where it was so dark we were actually going by feel as we went down the stair well and all the banging noise. Shorty and I had to go back to the ship and wait until daylight and we could see.  

We did. As daylight came we were sent back over. This time when walking down the stair well we could see a bit better but still dim. We waded down into the gas and I timed the ships roll so the banging "junk" drifted away from the hatch and opened it to look in the tank hold and could just see a jeep tied to the back of the hold and 50 gallon gas drums flying all around loose and leaking gasoline, and the jeep was getting beat all to hell by the gas drums. I quickly closed the hatch and told Shorty we needed to get the hell out of there. The Ship had a hole in the bottom that the jeep could have been driven through. The reef was all that was holding her up. We went back to the Ship, reported to the Chief. With Whale boats and a series of lines, we got a cable on the LST, jerked it off the reef and made a run with it for the beach to shallow water and let her sink there.. 

Memory Posted By:   Don B  

Imaginative child in the 50s U.S.A.

  I was an imaginative child and felt like one with nature. I was the mouse in the garden but I was also the hawk in the sky. I had to either sneak away and hide or spread my wings and boldly display myself. I learned through nature which to be and when to be the mouse or the hawk. My love of animals was great but my instinct knew that death was life for another. I did not want the mouse to be killed but the hawk needed him to survive. It was fate. At times if I had the chance I would intervene, but mostly I learned to look away and allow nature to take its course. It was the right thing to do and I couldn’t fight that fact. 

Memory Posted By:      Cindy B  

Joining the Navy at 17yrs Old U.S.A.

  The proudest day of my life was 1 July 1958. I was barely 17 years old when I arrived at the Great Lakes Naval Training center for basic training. The Navy changed my life forever by giving me a sense of belonging and the pride of accomplishment. I will be grateful, and proud of my service, for as long as I live! 

Memory Posted By:     Jim W 

A Child of The 50s U.S.A.

  I think about those days a lot!! The days when we knew and trusted all of our neighbors, when we either walked or rode our (one and only) bicycle everywhere we went, band concerts at our local park on Friday nights, also many, many times going to this same park to watch the "boys" play baseball, the local movie theatre, the sock hops, and on and on and on. I am ever so grateful to have been a "child of the 50's"!! Some wonderful memories!!  

Memory Posted By:  Great Times   

Growing Up In Australia In The 50s Australia

 In winter we used to have crumpets for breakfast with good lashings of butter. We used to cook them on a toasting fork over the hot coals in our combustion stove. Doing it this way also made us warm as it was our only form of heating apart from the open fire in the lounge which used to go out overnight. What a wonderful life we had as kids, not a worry in the world  

Memory Posted By:  Teresa 

My Special Christmas 1959

 With Christmas just round the corner and seeing all the parents at the shops picking presents for their children reminded me of my best ever Christmas as a child 

My father was in the Navy and many Christmas times he was away , but I remember the year 1959 because he was home for most of December and my parents were acting very secrative . 

Anyway Xmas day came and normal toys and sweets in my sack at the end of the bed and I started playing with them as any normal kid does, and go in to wake my parents up to show them what santa had left ( I still believed in Santa at 8 ) and my dad tells me Santa left a note with him about something he couldn't get down the chimney and I would find it outside 

Still in PJ's I rushed outside to find the coolest blue bike I had ever seen in my life with a bell and lights  

Now you must remember my parents were quite poor so my dad had bought an old bike and spent the month of December cleaning it, fixing it and painting it , that present sticks in my mind more than any other because I can now imagine how much work and time my parents spent on it and how much love must have gone in to it 

I would like to thank my parents so much for that and all the time and love they gave me as a child 

Posted By Alex  

Childhood In The Bronx In The 50s United States

 <em> I entered 1st grade at PS 68, the Bronx 1949, graduated 8th in 1957 and graduated HS 1961, so the 1950's are basically the memories of my school years. 

I remember 1st gr air-raid drills either under our desks or classes lined up in the interior school hall ways. 

It was the era of the atomic bomb and as children in NYC, authorities expected us to be bombed by Russia. 

As a 6 year old I and all my friends wore dog tags around our necks. 

Sounds incredible now, but slipping that metal chain with 2 ID tags over my young neck was a daily part of getting dressed for school. 

Maybe that early childhood trauma is what turned so many of us war babies into being leaders of the the 60's anti war protest groups. Who knows. 

Our family, like most, had one car and my father did the driving. 

Friday was payday and a trip to do the weekly grocery shopping. This was the one night we would eat out. After shopping at Safeway, we'd climb the stairs to the 2nd fl Chinese restaurant and ordered egg foo yung, pepper steak and chow mien; every week was the same. 

We never varied our order. There was a neon restaurant sign outside the window that would cast strange colors on our dinners - that no chef ever intended. 

The restaurant had a huge juke box with bubbles and red plastic. 

My parents always said it cost too much money to play, so I just looked at it. 

Safeway had wooden floors with saw dust, and by the early 50's the sugar shelves were once again full. 

The rationing of the 40's was over. Wonderbread made small child sized loaves with the same wrapping as the adult size. I was always allowed my own loaf to bring home. Between weekly shopping, the mothers managed by sending the children to the corner store - usually with a couple quarters wrapped and tied in a hankercheif. 

As a treat, we were allowed to buy a kosher dill pickle from the open barrel and a 5 cent bag of Wise potato chips. 

By the mid and late 50's, my girlfriends and I would look at the candidates for that year's Miss Rheingold Beer and vote for who we thought was prettiest. 

We bought milk by the qt not the gal. Home delivery was big. Dugan brought fresh baked goods. the milkman delivered our milk, eggs, cream and butter. A vegetable man and scissor sharpener came around in a horse drawn cart in the late 40's early 50's. 

The Good Humor man was a daily source for icecream. We could hear that bell blocks away - no matter what game we were playing - in time to beg a nickle or dime from our mothers. 

None of the households I grew up with kept icecream in their freezer section; there were no freezer sections - just a spot large enough to hold an aluminum tray for freezing ice cubes. 

We had a Good Will bag in our entry hall next to the seltzer trays. Good Will and the Seltzer man would pick up regularly and drop off new bags and sodas. 

In the early 50's when I was hiding from an atom bomb under my school desk, my older sister volunteered for civil air patrol, watching the skies with German binoculars. 

My mother made aluminum etched trays at ladies Home Bureau, volunteered for church commitees and played weekly canasta in our home. Mostly we walked places or took the bus or subway. 

We kids never played inside the house. Even on snowy days. We changed into our play clothes after school (our old school clothes that were torn or outgrown), and went outside until called for dinner. 

Our Sunday clothes became school clothes and our school clothes got one more go at life by being play clothes. 

There were very few over weight kids. We played stick ball at "the point" - the intersection of 2 neighborhood streets, or fairy tale characters under the huge pine trees in my girlfriend's front yard. 

By mid 50's I was old enough to spend Summer days with friends at Wilson's Woods Pool, a WPA built Tudor style public pool. There was never a concern about safety. 

Every Summer week end meant a family picnic/beach trip - either to Sherwood Island in Conn. or Orchard Beach in the Bronx. 

We'd leave at the crack of dawn to stake out a good picnic table and be the last family to leave when the sun set. No one was anxious to return to those un-airconditioned apartments. 

The women made the summer staples of macaroni and potato salads and packed the huge coolers. The men lugged then to what we always hoped would be the ultimate picnic spot. 

Oh yes - no sun screen either for the children in those days. Every summer meant at least one giant skin peel and sleepless painful night for me and my fair skinned friends. 

Winter meant sled rides down 'dead man's hill' in scratchy wet wool snow suits. Nobody knew who had died there, but we were all sure it had happened. 

Of course, in addition to neighborhood legends, every neighborhood seemed to have that one wacky character. 

Ours was Old Mr. D who sent away to the old country for an old fashioned mail order bride. 

The year before her arrival, he built a 3 story cottage with no windows or door on the first floor. He had a wood ladder to enter the 2nd fl. She arrived, was more modern than he anticipated, and took the next ship home. 

Mr. D never married after that. 

The blizzard of the early 50's cut us off from City services. The neighborhood men all took their coal shovels and shoveled out our street. 

Houses were heated with coal or oil. The coal trucks would dump their shinny black loads down shuttes into the basements. Our basement had a coal bin and when it got cold, my father would go down with his shovel. Our apt was heated by radiators that would bang until they were emptied of the condensation. 

Fall meant burning piles of raked leaves in the yards and baking potatoes in tin foil in the ashes. There were no burning bans - even in the Bronx - or if there were, nobody enforced them. 

In the early 50's we got the first TV on the block and all the neighbors crammed in to watch Queen Eliz II coronation. 

My dad spent hrs adjusting the roof antennae to face the signals coming from the Empire State Building to the south of our home. My mother's job was to monitor the fuzziness on the screen and call directions out the open window to my Dad. Some other time perhaps you'll permit me to talk about being a young teen and entering HS in the doo wop era of the late 50's - parties in finished basements, parents popping downstairs to check on the refreshments and us, Friday night Confraternity dances at our local Catholic school hall, the Sisters in their habits telling us and our dance partners to 'leave room for the Holy Ghost', our local pizza parlor where the dough was hand made, the cheese was from Italy, and the large pizza filled most of the table. It was a great time and place to grow up. Thanks for the web site.

Memory Posted By:    christine M   

TV's in The 1950's U.S.A.

 Today I went and bought my new plasma TV and because it was so big and SO LIGHT it reminded me of the first TV my parents bought. 

It was about 1955 or so and a 12" screen black and white Majestic. It was a realy big deal and my parents were more protective of the TV than anything else in the house , It was very heavy and whenever you stood near it you could feel the heat it generated, it was a solid wooden cabinett and pretty sure it had valves inside. 

All the TV stations would close down about midnight and return at five or six in the morning. We'd get up early saturdays and watch the test patterns, and I think we had 2 channells to choose from and they closed down with the star spangled banner .  

It was 10 years later that we got the first color TV with 3 channells to choose from which spent more time broken down than working but when it worked it was cool.


 Memory Posted By:    Frank 

Thanking An American Soldier For Gift Italy

 I was born in Italy in 1952. I can't believe it's 55 years ago already. I can hardly remember the days of my childhood but two things I remember clearly. Like many kids in the '50s, I was born at home and next to my mum in labour was the dog that would eventually become my greatest companion. A female dog, called Pilou. She had been given to my mum from an American soldier when Americans freed Rome at the end of the war. I have always hoped to find that soldier one day. Assuming, as I hope, that he still alive he should be maybe in his eighties by now. Well, I would really like to thank him for I was not yet born but that dog was a great gift. I have grown loving animals very much and, thanks to this, with a good character. The second thing I remember is being a very lonely little girl that never got tired of cutting paper and making paper-dolls. While I spent entire days on this, the voices of old people chatting on the balconies kept me company. Well, practically each family in my building had lost one or two sons or other relatives during the war. I think war is a disgrace, I was only a small girl but the tales were so painful I still remember quite clearly how deep was the pain of the mothers that had lost a son. I have a 24 year old boy and I know now how unbearable it would be if anything happened to him and really it would break my heart. Please stop making wars. The pain a war can inflict is simply unhuman.  

Memory Posted By:       bianca  

For me Coolest Period was the 1950s United States

 In 1952, I was 7. Life was simpler then. Kids could play outside all day and not get snatched off their front lawns by a pedophile.  

 The crime rate was lower; gas was cheaper; we were happy with simple things (e.g., when we had a birthday party, we only invited the kids on the street, not the entire class.  

 We didn't go bowling, or to a theme park, or anywhere else. We had cake and ice cream in the kitchen and we (at least girls) were happy with our gifts: Crayons, coloring books, bubble bath, etc.  

 We didn't get digital wristwatches, DVD players, Game Boy, remote-controlled dinosaurs (if those items had been invented then, we wouldn't have gotten them anyway), etc.  

 in the summers, we had a clubhouse that a neighbor's father built, and we'd hang out there or under "the big tree" reading comic books and waiting for the Popsicle truck, with our nickels in hand.  

 My parents would dress me in my pajamas and we'd go to the Star Drive-In for a double feature, and we took our own refreshments.  

 No, we weren't poor. We just did things that way: Fewer material things, more togetherness. The music of the 50s and early 60s was relaxing: Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Patti Page, etc. all crooning about fnding and losing love.  

 Whatever movies we saw on Sat. afternoon at the Sunshine Theater, the same stars were always in them: Bob Hope, Debbie Whatever...Movies were OK for kids, with no gruesome bloody bodies, homicide scenes, etc. and we had cartoons in between the features.  

 We had the first TV on the street and my friends and I gathered in front of it each afternoon at 4 p.m. to watch the test pattern turn into Howdy Doody.  

 We used to talk about what we wanted to be when we grew up; by the time I was raising my daughter, she talked about what she wanted to be if she LIVED to grow up.  

 Also during the 50s, it was a time of innocence. Media technology wasn't as evolved as it is now, and there were fewer things to nag our parents for. We saved boxtops. We thought Davy Crocket and Rin-Tin-Tin were the closest thing to Heaven.  

 Now that I'm 63, I pine away for those sweet, simple songs of the 50s, when life was uncomplicated and people were nice to each other.  

Memory Posted By:   Anonymous 

Early Memories From School in The 50's UK

 I am getting ready to take my daughter for her first day of real school and it made me think back to all those 30 years ago and remember my early time at school. 

 Looking back I think I enjoyed every day and all the things we did 

  Painting great works of art which my mother had to tell me were wonderfull ( and I always wanted my mum to display them ) 

 Pretending to Sleep during rest time with my head resting on my crossed arms ( now I wonder was it to give teachers as much a rest as the children ) 

 Listening to the teacher reading a story

 Learning to write my ABC

 Opening up my desk where I kept my colouring pencils 

 All having our own coat racks where we had our name tags on 

 Running our little shops 

  Playing with building bricks

  Learning to read the first books 

 Our small bottle of milk we were given each day ( I think the Government Paid for it not parents ) 

 And then the special times like Christmas Plays and Carol Singing, Sports Day, Easter 

Many years later I went back to a school with my niece and can remember looking at the little tables and chairs realising just how little we all were They say school years are the best years of your life and looking back I think they were

Memory Posted By:   Jane 

How did we survive 50 years ago?

 We drank water from the tap not a bottle and nobody knew about the dangers of lead poisoning so even cribs were painted with brightly colored lead based paint. Medicine and Bottles with tablets did not have child proof lids

No seat belts or air bags in cars, nobody knew or if they did told our parents smoking and drinking was bad for the baby, kids shared coke from one bottle, soda had masses of sugar and we ate real white bread and butter and everything else including full fat milk that we are now told is bad for you <br />  

Parents couldn't reach us ( no mobiles ) and most of the day we would be out playing with friends and parents knew we would be safe with hardly any weirdos wandering the streets. If we got caught doing stuff we shouldn't the cops would take us home and we may well have a got a hiding for breaking the law ( but no do gooders saying mustn't smack children ). And if we played up in school the same applied.

While playing we got cuts and bruises and the occasional tear in jeans but it was just part of being a kid and no visit to the hospital.

We had no fancy games but could play for hours making a Go cart or a new tree swing and for other games most times we would find a ball and whatever we could use as a bat. or in the summer all jump into the nearest place we could find and if the water wasn't that clean we just didn't swallow it.

We rode our bikes with no helmets and doing whatever stunts we could ( bikes were so much heavier and hard waring ) and always had punctures to repair or get dad to help with.

If we didn't get in the team we were not good enough and that was that.

But most of all we were allowed to be kids 

To dream, to invent and to play.

It's no wonder that the generation that grew up then created some of the most innovative and exciting technology we have today

Thanks for those years and all those "BAD THINGS" that is why we are who we are today 

Memory Posted By:     Boomer Boy 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

1950s great time to be growing up UK

  The 1950's were indeed a great time to be growing up, I had 6 brothers and 5 sisters yeah really! and it hold many fond memories like making do with what you had, most people were in the same boat and helped each other. 

We played for hours outside, the sun always seemed to shine longer back then we had games like Kick-the-Can and follow the arrow and you can't cross the red river and chap door run fast and boagge racing and cowboys n Indians. 

One of my most cherished memories is standing under the street light in the long summer nights just chatting with friends for hours or until we were called in by our parents. 

I have children of my own now( only two though) and I cant help but feel sorry for them because they missed out on all that was good about the 50's all they have now is computer games and the like, we had no tv in those days, only one boy in the street had a tv and we were invited in on a Saturday morning to watch such things as The Loan Ranger or Flash Gordon. 

There were very few houses with drive ways and even less people with cars you could play on the road and never see a car for ages. 

I can also remember being able to go to the co-op with empty milk bottles and getting sweets back in return for them and I have been told recently that the gov are to bring that back to encourage green issues. 

I recall the smell of fresh rolls being made in a little back street bakery, we used to be sent to buy the rolls the smell was fantastic and you could smell it all over the town, we could watch the baker as he made the rolls for us and they stayed piping hot till we got them home. 

I have many many fond memories of that time in my life but they pass all too quickly, getting older is sad fact of life so I am grateful that I have my memory to relive the 50's All the things they tell us are bad for us now we did them all back then and they never did us any harm, I hate what progress has done today because although we did not have as much money then we were much happier then I reckon if we did not move on I would not be able to share the memories with you because this computer that I am typing very badly on would never have been invented. That's all for now, but I am off to bed now and I will lie awake for a while reliving my childhood days 

Oh I have just remembered at few more games but I will leave in the memory bank for next time. take care kind regards from joe soap

Friday, May 28, 2021

Street Vendors in the 50s

 Street vendors...I remember the rag & bone man with his horse &

cart, shouting any old rags'n bones. Mum would send us out with some rags or

metal & he would give us a balloon or a goldfish!

Also the milkman with his horse & cart. To the sound of the milkman's click, the

blinkered horse would go along to each house and stand with one foot bent until

he got the next click from the milkman. The other horse & cart vendor was the

coalman. Black as night & covered in coal dust, he would have a big earthen sack

across his shoulder & back on which to heave the coal sack.

Memory Posted By:     Sable

Growing Up and Olympics United States

  Memory Posted By: Anthony The first Olympic Games I ever remember watching were in 1992, in Barcelona. I don’t recall this specifically be...